
Biology Lab

“I cannot imagine a more enjoyable place to work than in the Laboratory
of Molecular Biology where I work.” Venkatraman Ramakrishnan
The biology laboratory is a place of discovery and learning for all the students. It is a well-equipped facility that provides students with the resources to explore the fascinating world of Biology. Every student from class IX to XII gets a chance to perform the practical themselves under the supervision of the teachers. The biology laboratory has microscopes, slides, and specimens that allow students to observe and examine the details of living organisms like plants and animals. The laboratory also provides students with a variety of materials to perform experiments and hands-on activities. It also has a variety of slides, beakers, and test tubes for carrying out experiments. They can also use slides to observe the microscopic details of cells and tissues. In addition, the laboratory also has a variety of materials
related to genetics that students can use to explore the principles of heredity.

Physics Lab

“Physics is the universe’s operating system.” — Steven R Garman

Physics lab, situated on the third floor of the school building, comprises of the main lab and a store room. The lab is very well lit and with air-conditioner.
An additional advantage of lab is an Extramark smart board with real and
animated versions of different experiments. It is also supported by a virtual lab which is used to conduct experiments on the board . The apparatus in the lab is latest and able to cater for 30 students at a time. Apart from the equipment required for CBSE prescribed syllabus the lab also has telescope, spectrometer with both mercury lamp and sodium lamp. Teaching in the lab takes place on the projector system with the help of various software.

Mathematics Lab

“The only way to learn mathematics is to do mathematics.”
A state-of-the-art Math Lab equips the 21st century learners with activity
based learning and creates a challenging atmosphere for students to hone their mathematical skills. A variety of modern and colourful apparatus help in
making teaching and learning of the subject interactive, fun filled and joyful.
Learning of mathematical concepts through concrete materials, hands-on-
experiences and real life situations help to enhance analytical and critical
thinking of the learners. The creativity of the students is allowed free play. Teachers and students work as joint investigation teams. The lab is also equipped with computers to use technology for learning. They connect Maths with other subjects thus developing interdisciplinary thinking. The activity/ experiment based learning in Mathematics Lab help the students to understand the subject in a simple and lucid manner.

Chemistry Lab

"In the lab, curiosity is the greatest asset. Don't be afraid to experiment and explore. Chemistry lab is well equipped with chemicals and other apparatus to cater to the needs of all the students up to class 12. Students start using the chemistry lab from class 6 onwards. They show great enthusiasm in using chemicals and perform hands on experiments. A small room is attached to the lab that serves as a store room for the chemicals and salts. The strong acids are kept under lock and key so that they are not accessible easily. An additional advantage of our lab is an Extramark smart board with real and animated versions of different experiments. It is also supported by a virtual lab which is used to conduct experiments on the board and observe the reactions. The lab has an excellent safety system with fire extinguishers.

Computer Lab

“Access to computer has become a basic need for education in our society.” 

The school provides two separate exclusive fully AC Multimedia and computer labs equipped with full gadgets for the students from class 1 to class 12. Projectors, smart boards, scanners, printers, software and a variety of peripherals like digital cameras and camcorders are stored in computer labs. Whiteboards are effective in instructional activities, while bulletin boards provide space for displaying student work. Classroom teachers also use the lab with their classes for research, or for creating technology-based projects. The highly qualified teachers bring about this new confidence in the students by making them ‘tech savvy’.

Welcome To Dwarka International School

Dwarka International School is an English medium co-educational recognised Senior Secondary School under the aegis of registered Radiant Educational Society.

© Dwarkainternationalschool 2024


Co-curricular Activities


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